Who is minus a plus one for?

This community is targeted toward single women, but that term is very loose and applies to all types of women: divorced, widowed, single, single parent, child-free, child-less, gay, straight, trans, married but lacking a supportive partner. The majority of what I share will be from my perspective as a straight, single woman looking for her life partner, but MAPO is open to anyone who would benefit from connection through vulnerability, encouragement and humor.

My first thought is that "Minus a Plus One" feels negative. Like you are subtracting?

Minus a Plus One was a personal transformation I went through after my first serious relationship ended, and I had to transition from a "we" back to finding who I was. Minus a Plus One leans right into that mindset and challenges it head on. It's connecting women to no longer feel less than, but stronger, braver and ultimately as more standing on their own two feet.

And let's be honest, the name is pretty catchy, right?


Will this community ever be for men?

To quote Drew Barrymore in a very underrated Never Been Kissed, “Somebody once said, to write well you have to write what you know. Well, here is what I know” I’m a 30-something-year-old single female, who has kissed a fair amount of boys, but have yet to lock one down. So it feels safe to assume I haven’t mastered men just yet. Therefore, I’m starting with ladies and sharing my experiences and vulnerability with them.


What if someone in the group gets engaged or married? Do we kick them out?


Just kidding. Married women who want to love, encourage and support their single sisters are always welcome.

What if you get married?

Well, after my mother finds something new to pray about and I properly delight in finding my fairly liberal, Christian, adventure loving unicorn of a life partner, I will continue to share my experience from the first 36+ years of my life and keep connecting smart, independent amazing ladies like yourself.


You are a Christian, but you talk openly about sex and intimacy outside of marriage, which is a sin. Aren’t you ashamed?

Ladies, we are so hard on ourselves. And so full of unnecessary shame. My vow is to be open, honest and vulnerable with you. And fulfilling that promise means disclosing things I may not be proud, but also things I may not necessarily regret. Because as this Christian likes to say, a girl’s gotta eat. (Sorry God).


I think this might be the community for me. What’s next?

I ask only two things of you:

1) Always assume positive intent - we are here to lift each other up, not tear each other down

2) Give grace to yourself and to others

If you can honor these commitments, hit the button below. 

*Very few of these were actually frequently asked, this section is largely for my own amusement. And hopefully yours as well.